GDPR Data Discovery

Discover data impacted by the GDPR


  1. Find and analyze data with Personal Identifiable Information
  2. Scan existing data sources, online and on premises
  3. Classify and label data for future use

Building a solid foundation


  1. Implement tools & services that can also be used for Manage, Protect and Report activities


Identify data Security and compliance challenges


  1. Determine the current state of personal data security
Step 1: Identify & Assess
  1. Identifying and documenting the data sources within the organization
  2. Identifying and documenting the data sources within the organization
Step 2: Plan for Classification
  1. Defining a data classification taxonomy and label schema based on legal and business requirements
Step 3: Select the solution
  1. Identifying the tools and services for data discovery
Step 4: Configure and Enable
  1. Installing prerequisites
  2. Configuring and enabling discovery tools and services
Step 5: Discover and Classify
  1. Scanning all specified data sources
  2. Labeling and classifying discovered data
  3. Reporting on data discovery